Monday, October 11, 2010

Debby's thank you

Hey, everyone, this is Bailey again. Right before my mother, Debby, had to leave the PICU room she asked me if I could type up a post for her that she had written on a piece of paper. Here's what she wrote.

"Hi, my name is Debby, and I am daxter's grandma (Bailey's mom). I just wanted to say that with Bailey and I working with the public (Wal-mart) the way we do, we see so many people that are mean, rude, or just so wrapped up in their own life and their own problems that we sometimes forget there are still so many truely wonderful, caring people out there. Since we found out about Daxter's cancer it just blows my mind how many people we have came into contact with through the hospital, computer, or in person that are so loving, supportive, helpful, and generous. I just wanted to say thank you . THANK YOU. Not just from the bottom of my heart but from the whole thing.

Thank you,

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