Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who needs hair anyway?

Hey, this is Bailey writing again today. Since the last time I've posted, not too much has changed really. We do know that the doctors found ecoli in all three blood samples, however they think the strept or staph ( they've told us both) might be a contaminate because they weren't in all three blood samples. So they took more blood to try to find out. His platelets are up a tiny bit, but his white blood cell counts aren't. They've given him more blood and they've given him an IV for food. He also has some sort of bumps on the back of his head that they are treating with an ointment. His sodium and potassium levels are still out of order. He's also started throwing up. Plus, this morning his hair has started falling out. For some crazy reason this has been the most emotional development lately. I knew his hair was going to fall out, and I know that it's going to grow back. However, every time I pet his head and I get hair I cry a little. It's so silly though because, while I'm crying, I feel ridiculous because I can't quite pinpoint why I'm crying. I'm not sad because I know that it will grow back, and I'm not surprised or mad because I knew that it was going to. It's just hard. Other than that, not much has really changed. Thank you all for your comments and reasurances. It really does help to hear how supportive everyone is and it helps hearing that other people know exactly what we are going through. Thank you all again.



  1. Once again I am so relieved to see your post!! So selfish I know. I am constantly aware and praying for Daxter, his momma, daddy and families!!! Hair gone-just a guess Bailey as I have not been where you are, but, maybe those tufts of hair falling into your hands signify a reality..a reality that my baby has cancer...gosh, that has to drive like a knife.I believe with all my heart and logic that God never gives us more than we can handle. I believe that God is with you through all of this. I believe and I KNOW that you ALL believe that GOD is with you!

  2. We are constantly praying for your family! I am where you are right now only my son is 14! This is our second time dealing with cancer and I can tell you that when his hair fell out the first time in Dec. 2008 I cried! I too knew it was going to happen but when it did it felt like reality all of a sudden came crashing down on me! I knew he had cancer and had had treatments for awhile but when his hair started falling out it just signified everything!! It wasn't as bad this time when it fell out because we had been through it before but I do know how it feels! We will continue to keep your son and your entire family in our prayers as we pray that they find a cure for childhood cancer!

  3. Hey Bailey, Ben and Daxter,

    Just wanted you guys to know that I pray for you and think about you guys all the time. God has a plan, and it is the PERFECT plan. It's hard to understand what HE's doing sometimes, but one of these days we'll look back and see it the way God has all along and understand what he was doing. Stay strong.

    Love you guys,
    Tim Cramer

  4. Maybe hair loss is so emotional because it is such a visual reminder of what he is going through, and changes his appearance? Praying for you all...
