Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Happy Day

Hey, this is Bailey writing again. Today was a really good day. Daxter got taken off of the IV with fluid because he started eating enough that he no longer needed it. It's so exciting that his appetite is coming back, and it's reminding me of his appetite before he got sick. He ate everything you put in his mouth. Today, he ate at least one bottle every three hours! He's also been the happiest I think I have seen him in weeks. He just smiled and giggled and was so interactive with Ben and me. We played peek-a-boo and "gitcha gitcha gitchaa" game (which consisted of whenever he lifted his arm straight up I would grab his hand and wiggle his hand saying 'gitcha gitcha gitcha') He just laughed and laughed. It was so heartwarming to see my baby happy and not hurting as much. The doctor told us that Daxter caught a respiratory virus in the nose that showed up in his blood test. However, he shows no sign of a severe reaction to the virus. We're still not sure of definite days they are going to be doing the scans, but his tummy isn't swelling more. It's the same size it was this morning. Thank you guys so much for wanting to stay updated on my son; I can't say thank you enough. I am so grateful for all of you.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Bailey, Ben and Daxter,
    Glad to hear about good days!!! There is soooo much illness going around...we just pray little Daxter's remains simple and causes no complications!!! I tried to play GITCHA GITCHAA with my husband but he wouldn't play..jk. I didn't really. Going to lunch with my daughter today so may try it out on her. :) PTL the stomach mass is stable and obviously responding to the chemo....always nice to know when that "stuff" is going what it is supposed to do. Ben, I am wondering how you are doing daddy? Haven't heard from you in a few days. I know this is so tough!! Hang in there guys and gals...we are ALL praying for ALL of you!!
